2022-10-27 15:30:09


分类:热门资讯 | 统计: 0评/127阅

本案为烘焙房LOGO设计,制作以曲奇为主的各类烘焙制品,如蛋糕,面包,马卡龙,等等。名称为"Mr. Cookie",即"曲奇先生"。


This project is the LOGO design for the bakery, which produces various bakery products based on cookies, such as cakes, breads, macarons, and so on. The name is "Mr. Cookie".

The design combines the shape of the cookie and the chef's hat. The overall style tends to be realistic and slightly cartoonish, and the color scheme and fonts also tend to be young and more interesting.

之石设计 | Turqstyle Logo Design

Mr. Cookie 饼干曲奇LOGO有色底版本

Mr. Cookie 饼干曲奇LOGO透明底版本

Mr. Cookie 饼干曲奇LOGO单色版本

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