2022-10-19 09:30:11


分类:热门资讯 | 统计: 0评/177阅

本案为羽毛球馆LOGO设计,名称为"uSmash", 即"扣杀"。


This case is the LOGO design of the badminton hall, and the name is "uSmash".

The main icon of the design is a badminton that rushes to the sky. The overall style is fresh and modern, with young characteristics, attracting the attention of young consumers, and conforming to the market positioning of the gym.

The main icon of the design is a badminton that rushes to the sky. The overall style is fresh and modern, with young characteristics, attracting the attention of young consumers, and conforming to the market positioning of the gym.

之石设计 | Turqstyle Logo Design

Badminton 羽毛球LOGO有色底版本

Badminton 羽毛球LOGO透明底版本

Badminton 羽毛球LOGO单色版

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